Tap water has a reputation for being less safe than bottled water. Both are regulated by safety standards, but which of the two have more health benefits?
Eating cereal as an every day breakfast is not uncommon. But whether or not this is a healthy morning meal choice depends on what kind of cereal you're eating.
For many, the day simply isn't complete without cracking open a beer to unwind. But downing a cold one every night can have an effect on your body. Here's how.
Mothers-to-be have long heeded their doctors' advice to supplement their diets with folic acid. But the importance of folic acid goes beyond pregnancy health.
While some people view dandelions as weeds, others have found uses for them in the medicine cabinet and the kitchen. Every part of the dandelion has a purpose.
If you're one of the Americans who love dousing their food with hot sauce, there are some unexpected side effects of spicy food you should be aware of.
Behind matcha's green color is a nutritional powerhouse, and swapping your afternoon coffee for a cup of matcha instead may have major health benefits.
When you're in the mood for a sweet treat, you might think it's healthier to reach for frozen yogurt over ice cream. But which is the better choice, really?
Since many vitamins can be purchased over the counter and thus do not have to be prescribed by a medical professional, it's easy to make some mistakes.
Bananas are known for their nutritional benefits as a quick on-the-go snack. But hidden behind the vitamin-rich reputation are some risks to overeating them.
The ketogenic diet, or the keto diet, is a low-carb, high-fat diet meant to help with weight loss and improve energy levels by reducing your carb intake.
The Optavia diet is a weight loss program that features low-calorie, low-carb, pre-packaged meals, a few simple home-cooked meals, and one-on-one coaching.