Native to India, mung beans can be eaten in a variety of ways, including sprouted, unsprouted, dried, cooked, fermented, or consumed as flour or other products.
Summer is here and you may be craving a refreshing cold treat, such as popsicles or ice cream, to cool down — but what about the #Frozenhoneychallenge?
We all know sugar can contribute to cavities and weight gain, but its impact is much more widespread than that. Did you know it can also impact your bladder?
Fatty foods, like ice cream, take longer to digest, meaning they spend more time in your stomach. As a result, your stomach makes more acid in response.
The baby formula shortage has made many parents fearful of being unable to feed their babies. Here's what kind of help Operation Fly Formula can provide.
Kourtney Kardashian says that she eats quail eggs to help her fertility, but notes she hasn't done research on the topic. Naturally, this led us to investigate.
Due to the risk of E. coli infection, you should not let your children play with raw dough provided at restaurants (or at all). Here is what you should know.
Sugar has gotten a bad rap in many health-conscious circles. But there are certain nuances to consider when making dietary choices about this molecule.
Your symptoms may be related to what you eat and drink. Certain foods and beverages can irritate the bladder, causing a burning sensation, pain, and discomfort.
Most people know polyphenols are great for our health. But did you know there's a quick and easy way to tell if your food is rich in them? Here's what it is.
Pears contain about 70% fructose, plus sorbitol and glucose. When consumed in excess, fructose can lead to liver disease, inflammation, and high blood pressure.
Don't we all sort of feel reborn when the frost melts? If you're looking to give your diet a little sprucing up for spring, here are enjoyable ways to do it.