It's been said that peanut butter makes for an excellent and nutritious snack. But when you make it part of your daily diet, how does it affect your kidneys?
We know that protein is essential for strong muscles, healthy bones, and energy levels, but have you ever considered the effect of protein on the brain?
If you regularly enjoy steak, veal, lamb, mutton, or pork, and have decided to cut down on red meat, you may start noticing some changes in your poop habits.
Protein plays many roles, including aiding in growth and repair. A high-protein diet may be beneficial for certain health conditions too, including these.
It's not every day you're told to be careful about eating salads. It turns out, though, one medical condition could be exacerbated by common salad ingredients.
Finding yourself frequently in need of a little energy boost? Fortunately, adding this popular ingredient to your meals can give you that spring in your step.
Peanut butter eaten in moderation is great for you. However, there is one ingredient commonly found in peanut butter that you should avoid for your gut health.
A lot of things affect irritable bowl syndrome such as your diet. If you have IBS, you need to know what you should and shouldn't avoid. Watermelon is a no go.
Veggies, whole grains, and fruit can help us maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. This one fruit specifically might be a good choice, per some studies.
Did you know that certain nutritional deficiencies can cause a low sex drive? There's also one specific type of food that's a great source for these nutrients.
If you enjoy avocados, maybe you've wondered what would happen if you ate them every day. It turns out, it could have some interesting effects on your poop.
Incorporating peanut butter into your everyday diet can have a slew of health benefits. As it turns out, doing so may also affect your risk of certain diseases.
Peanut butter has several health benefits, including helping you feel full for longer. It can also help reduce your risk for developing this common disease.
The sweet and slightly tart flavor of pineapple is irresistible to most. There's also a nutrient in this fruit that can influence your blood cholesterol.
The foods we include and exclude from our diets greatly influence our health. If you skip this rich protein source, your risk of early death may increase.
Peanut butter can be a great addition to any diet when consumed in moderation. However, when you experience this condition, it's best to skip the spread.
Peanut butter is a nutritional powerhouse. In fact, in terms of protein content, the breakfast favorite holds up pretty well against a popular animal protein.
If you're struggling to poop in the morning, it might be because of your breakfast, or lack there of. Eating breakfast is crucial to avoid constipation.
Some people believe that the best way to lose weight is to simply avoid eating, even when hungry. But can this actually do your diet more harm than good?
Given its availability, versatility, and taste, it is very easy to make chicken a regular part of your diet. But how exactly does this affect your gut health?
When it comes to sandwich spreads, peanut butter is perhaps the top choice for most if you want to get more protein. But there's another spread that matches it.