While garlic is infamous for causing bad breath, it turn out that it could have an unexpected effect on your risk for early death. Here's what we know.
Men looking to improve their sex lives may want to eat more watermelon. Scientists say there are several ways it can help improve men's sexual function.
If you're the type of person who likes to snack before working out, you may have considered eating a peanut butter sandwich. But is this really good for you?
Diet plays an important role in heart health, so there's always interest in foods that help lower high cholesterol levels. Cue this yellow-hued citrus fruit.
Avocados are known for their creamy and rich flesh and their many health benefits. Here's what happens to your blood pressure when you eat avocados every day.
While cholesterol in itself is not bad, too much of the wrong kind is not good news for your heart and arteries. Can this popular spice lower high cholesterol?
Garlic has long been renowned for its various health benefits, and is part of many people's diets. But avoid it if you have this particular medical condition.
The consistent consumption of fruits can bring many benefits to the body. Interestingly, eating watermelon can have an unexpected effect on men's health.
It's not a bad idea to incorporate peanut butter into your everyday diet because of its nutritional content. But how would this decision affect your appetite?
If you have high blood pressure, doctors may first suggest changing some of your dietary habits. If so, there's one popular fruit you don't want to leave out.
What we eat and drink throughout the day may or may not benefit our sleep come bedtime. For example, when you stop eating carbs, it could have this effect.
As men grow older, a carefully planned diet becomes essential for good prostate health. This protein-rich food is a worthwhile addition to their diets.
Your diet influences a lot of things connected to your quality of life, including your risk of early death. So make sure to eat enough of this protein source.
In most cases, peanut butter makes for a nutritious addition to just about any diet -- especially if you've been diagnosed with this medical condition.
You're probably aware of fiber's role in preventing constipation, but did you know that one particular type of fiber can also help lower your cholesterol?
Peanut butter is a versatile and healthy spread, hence its popularity. But there's a potentially dangerous downside to eating unprocessed peanut butter.
One of the most effective ways to lower high cholesterol is to adjust your diet. According to research, you should think of adding this fish to your diet.
While fast food sandwiches are a convenient option for on-the-go snacking, can they be good for you? An expert speaks exclusively with Health Digest about this.
No matter where you go, it's easy to find a snack or food recipe that has potatoes in it. But if you have this specific medical condition, go easy on the fries.
People generally associate eating salads with weight loss and good health. But does having a salad every day have an effect on your muscle development?
A spoonful or two of peanut butter is a quick fix for hunger. But surprisingly, snacking on this fan-favorite nutty spread can affect your stress levels, too.