What's not to love about tomatoes? They add a little juiciness to your favorite sandwich, and they liven up any salad. They can also affect your blood pressure.
It's easy to overindulge when it comes to our favorite foods, and peanut butter is no exception. However, there are some shocking warning signs you should know.
Most of us are aware about the different ways peanut butter can boost muscle growth and help keep us full. But how does it affect our immune system's health?
Tasty, nutritious, and versatile, tomatoes go well with a lot of recipes. But experts advise reducing your consumption if you have this medical condition.
According to recent research, consuming chocolate can actually have a surprising impact on a man's sex life. But are some kinds of chocolate better than others?
Kidney stones can be a pain to deal with, literally and figuratively. If you want to avoid them, research suggests reducing your intake of this kind of protein.
Too much salt can be harmful to our health. However, Joy Bauer says there are healthy snacks that will hit the same spot when it comes to your salty cravings.
While low-carb and keto dieters steer clear of a banana because of its calories and carbohydrates, those with high blood pressure might want to reconsider.
There are certain foods to avoid when you have high blood pressure. Fortunately, this unique cheese is not part of the list; in fact, it may be good for you.
Your carbohydrate intake affects your gut health, so it's wise to add the right kinds to your diet. An expert shares his tips exclusively with Health Digest.
While garlic is infamous for causing bad breath, it turn out that it could have an unexpected effect on your risk for early death. Here's what we know.
Men looking to improve their sex lives may want to eat more watermelon. Scientists say there are several ways it can help improve men's sexual function.
If you're the type of person who likes to snack before working out, you may have considered eating a peanut butter sandwich. But is this really good for you?
Diet plays an important role in heart health, so there's always interest in foods that help lower high cholesterol levels. Cue this yellow-hued citrus fruit.
Avocados are known for their creamy and rich flesh and their many health benefits. Here's what happens to your blood pressure when you eat avocados every day.
While cholesterol in itself is not bad, too much of the wrong kind is not good news for your heart and arteries. Can this popular spice lower high cholesterol?
Garlic has long been renowned for its various health benefits, and is part of many people's diets. But avoid it if you have this particular medical condition.
The consistent consumption of fruits can bring many benefits to the body. Interestingly, eating watermelon can have an unexpected effect on men's health.
It's not a bad idea to incorporate peanut butter into your everyday diet because of its nutritional content. But how would this decision affect your appetite?
If you have high blood pressure, doctors may first suggest changing some of your dietary habits. If so, there's one popular fruit you don't want to leave out.
What we eat and drink throughout the day may or may not benefit our sleep come bedtime. For example, when you stop eating carbs, it could have this effect.