Brushing your teeth properly and regularly improves your oral hygiene. But how does this part of your dental care routine affect your risk of early death?
When it comes to dental health, being negligent can have serious consequences on your overall wellbeing. That includes ignoring a habit affecting many people.
When you're a celebrity, you get used to the fact that people tend to scrutinize every aspect of your appearance. This is especially true for your teeth.
You might not think about protecting your teeth when you go out in the cold weather, but you should. If you don't, it makes your teeth hurt and this is why.
Twice a year, you leave your dentist's office with freshly cleaned teeth. After your visit, however, which food items should you eat and which should you avoid?
The shape of the roof of your mouth plays an essential role in the overall health of your body. A narrow palate can lead to several issues, including these.
DIY whitening treatments can be a great alternative to the expense of visiting your dentist. But, is using aluminum foil to whiten your teeth a good idea?
Did you know that eating a certain food can help ward off tooth decay? Your first thought might be of a fruit or vegetable, but it's actually a type of cheese.
There are a lot of unexpected things that the color of your gums can tell you about your health. Here are some of the diseases you may (or may not) have.
Thinking about a tooth extraction the night before the procedure can be as excruciating as the surgery itself. Here are some helpful tips from an expert.
There's a new product that's becoming popular for whitening teeth: purple toothpaste. But does it really work - and more importantly, do the effects last?
Many of us are probably already aware of the many downsides of alcohol consumption. But here's a list of unexpected ways drinking alcohol affects your teeth.
When you think of diabetes, the jaw is probably the last thing on your mind. However, this particular jaw symptom could actually be related to your diabetes.
If you've ever noticed a color change in your mouth, it may be from eating a handful of colorful Skittles. But what about changes in the color of our gums?
Staying on top of your dental health is an essential part of your overall well-being. Make sure you're doing these things before going to a dentist appointment.