Matcha, a tea powder made from ground green tea leaves and packed with antioxidants, may have some significant benefits for your mental health. Here's why.
If you want to stay healthy, then you need to stay hydrated. You might add a slice of lemon or lime to flavor your water -- but which one is better for you?
The first thing many of us do in the morning is to make a cup of coffee. It turns out your morning cup of joe and a splash of milk may help fight inflammation.
Though people don't have periods in menopause, perimenopause can often bring uncomfortable symptoms. Those who have hot flashes might consider licorice tea.
Espresso affects a wide variety of body functions, from mood to energy level to sleep habits. Here's what happens to your body when you drink espresso daily.
Protein drinks can have side effects, so buy from reliable sources. Iconic markets its protein drinks as GMO free and ethically sourced. But are they healthy?
While most know the effects sugary drinks have on the body, experts took it up a notch and looked into the relationship between sugary beverages and men's hair.
Given all of their claims, you might wonder if energy drinks like Kill Cliff are healthy. Here's everything you need to know about Kill Cliff energy drinks.
Energy drinks typically contain large amounts of sugar, as well as other ingredients to boost alertness. Are they a safe choice for people with diabetes?
To find out which electrolyte drink brand people prefer most, we asked Health Digest readers to vote for their go-to beverage out of five answer options.
Various types of water are becoming more popular than others. One example is alkaline water. But is it really all that special, and what are the benefits?
Barley tea may not be well known in Western countries. However, with a wide range of potential health benefits, it might be time to take note of the beverage.
Alternative milk seems to be all the rage these days. With a plethora of types and brands to choose from, we set out to know which is the most popular.
Water is undoubtedly one of the most fundamental components of our existence. So what happens to our bodies when we don't drink enough water every day?
Holidays are a time of fun, family, and great food. But sometimes, our GI tract doesn't agree. Here's how to ensure your gut stays happy during the holidays.