As anyone who has spent a night out drinking can tell you, imbibing alcohol can have consequences, like dehydration. But not all drinks are equally dehydrating.
There are many reasons why you might want to stop relying on medication for pain relief. Some say that this popular beverage can be an effective replacement.
A number of popular beverages have a reputation for being gut-friendly. But one particular drink rich in "good" bacteria may actually reduce your cancer risk.
Drinking coffee regularly can provide both advantages and disadvantages to your health. But research suggests that coffee can prevent a well-known disease.
Milk might pair well with smoothies, a bowl of cereal, or a handful of chocolate chip cookies, but you'll want to avoid pairing it with this popular supplement.
Drinking water is the obvious solution for dehydration. However, another underrated liquid can also get the job done along with providing other benefits.
When you reach a certain age, you might find yourself battling your cholesterol levels. However, this unique beverage can help you raise your good cholesterol.
Have you ever wondered what regular milk consumption can do for your nails? It turns out there are several nail-friendly nutrients in milk, including these.
Your risk of cancer may increase or decrease depending on your diet. According to research, this unexpected protein source may help you lower your risk.
Milk has long been a conventional solution for people who have trouble sleeping. But if you really want to get some shuteye, try drinking this unexpected milk.
You may have noticed that drinking coffee sends you running to the bathroom. Here's how you can expect your poop to change if you break your coffee habit.
Milk has long been touted for its nutritional value, and is said to be essential for good bone development. But can drinking it daily help muscle growth, too?
There are many possible reasons why a person may decide to stop drinking milk. However, this decision may actually have an effect on their risk of early death.
Lots of people include milk in their diet, both for health reasons and because they like it. But how does daily milk consumption affect your cholesterol levels?
Milk is typically what most people think of first when calcium gets brought up. In fact, there's a protein-rich food that has more calcium in it than milk.
When it comes to protein-rich drinks, many think regular milk is the king. But if you're lactose intolerant, you're in luck; there's another option for you.
We typically associate drinking a glass of milk with improved bone health. But as it turns out, there's an ingredient you can add to water for stronger bones.
Conventional wisdom might lead you to drink a glass of milk for better health. What you may not realize is that this can also affect the color of your poop.
Drinking milk is typically the way to get a good night's sleep. But will milk consumption affect your drive to do, well, other things in bed with your partner?
Protein is one of the first things that come to mind when people talk about milk. So it might surprise you that there's a lack of it in this plant-based milk.
For people who are lactose-intolerant, non-dairy milk options are a useful addition to their diet. This particular variation is especially good for gut health.
Orange juice is a popular beverage for many, because of its taste and numerous health benefits. But what does it mean when you're craving it, specifically?
V8 juice and fruit juice may seem like a sweet match made in heaven. But consuming these two together can have some serious consequences for your bowels.
Drinking V8 juice is an enjoyable and convenient way to incorporate more veggies into your diet. But can it affect your body if you take certain medications?
Drinking the popular V8 vegetable juice offers a host of health benefits. It's also a great beverage that you might want to consume before your workouts.