How can you know if you're drinking too much soda? If any of these things happen to you, it's a pretty good indication that you should slow down and cut back.
Up to 70 percent of the lemon wedges served in restaurants are laden with over 25 different kinds of bacteria, including E. coli, yeast, and human fecal matter.
Tums tablets are a popular way to treat stomach upset. But can you take the remedy if you're drinking alcohol, or is there a hidden reason to avoid it?
Sipping hot water — plain, with a twist of lemon, or even as an herbal tea — can have some surprising benefits, from improved digestion to smoother skin.
Ginger ale is a common drink to order while boarded on an airplane, but is there any real reason why you should be drinking ginger ale when in the air? There are some medicinal properties to ginger ale, but also, this soda might just taste better when you're elevated.
Any diet with wine included, like the Mediterranean diet, is bound to be a popular trend. But how much wine can you really drink on the Mediterranean diet?
Drinking chamomile tea before bed can help you sleep. According to scientists, drinking chamomile tea has been found to aid in reducing systemic inflammation, promoting digestive health, helping control blood sugar levels, and of course, helping you sleep at night.
If you are considering jumping on the intermittent fasting train, you will be happy to know that you don't have to cut out your coffee completely — but you may have to modify your order.
Going on the keto diet requires a complete rewiring of not only how you eat, but also a reframing of your concept of what the word 'healthy' actually means. Remember the days when you thought of bacon as 'fattening,' and of a yogurt parfait as a wholesome treat? Well, strike that and reverse it.
If you're someone who stumbles out of bed in the morning and heads straight into the kitchen with one eye closed, unable to wake up until you've had your morning cup of coffee, you're going to be surprised to learn that your caffeine injection might not be serving you as well as it could be
Your coffee intake may inspire judgment or concern — sometimes, both — from people who are used to you walking around with a mug in your hand... and clearly haven't discovered for themselves the pleasures of those aromatic dark beans.
At the end of your day, once you've settled in for the evening, at that point you are free to indulge in a drink or two should you so desire. The trouble with nighttime drinking, though, comes when you extend the happy hour right up until bedtime.
It's one of those things everybody knows, but only some people are actually able to do: drink eight glasses (or two quarts) of water every single day. But is this particular bit of conventional wisdom actually true, or is it yet another nutritional myth?