Research is showing that even mild COVID cases may have long-term effects on your brain health -- particularly when it comes to memory and emotional processing.
Aside from physical symptoms, Crohn's disease can also take a toll on emotional and mental health. If you struggle with bathroom anxiety, here are a few tips.
In the United States today, nearly 20% of the population over 18 suffer from anxiety. Luckily, sound wave therapy could help reduce feelings of anxiety.
The connection between your gut and brain is a powerful one. When it comes to mental health issues like anxiety, what you eat can greatly impact how you feel.
Ativan, a benzodiazepine used to treat short-term anxiety, is considered a habit-forming drug. But quitting cold turkey is highly dangerous. Here's why.
Preparing for surgery can be a confusing experience, especially if you don't know what to expect. Luckily, there are a few tasks that can ease the hesitation.
If you regularly feel anxiety, you may find yourself worrying about a plethora of things. But do you need to worry about anxiety causing atrial fibrillation?
Long hours, rigid deadlines, and company networking events can provoke a little anxiety for any of us. How can you tell if your anxiety may be holding you back?
If you deal with anxiety, you know that trouble falling or staying asleep can be a side effect. When you don't get enough sleep, it can impact your health.
To the world, you may look like you've got it all together, but inside you may be struggling. If this is the case, you may have high-functioning anxiety.
Talk to your doctor about solutions such as meds and therapy. But for anxiety relief on tough days, turn to these seven calming and comforting products.
Though anxiety can cause chest pain, it's important to note that there can be more serious causes, including a heart attack. Learn when you should see a doctor.
Sleep and anxiety are related, but it's less clear just what the exact relationship is between them. This is what we know about whether sleep causes anxiety.
OCD symptoms include compulsive behaviors like repetitive actions and thinking obsessive thoughts for at least one hour a day. Symptoms can vary in severity.