With aging comes a shift in one's nutritional needs to protect their overall health. When you pass 50 years of age, this type of food can help fight depression.
Gynecomastia, also known as "moobs," is an increase in breast gland tissue in men or boys. Here's why men over 50 are at greater risk for this condition.
As the body continues to age, there are certain behaviors and actions that can have detrimental effects on it. Thus, it's wise to avoid such risky mistakes.
While it can be difficult to predict exactly when someone will pass, most people will go through this pattern of signs when they are facing imminent death.
As death looms, a person becomes more likely to experience peculiar symptoms and changes in their body. These affect every aspect of their life and functions.
Nutritional needs change as men grow old, leaving room for potential deficiencies. When it comes to men over 50, some multivitamins are better than others.
When women reach menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels begin to drop. As a result, those over 50 should avoid drinking this type of popular beverage.
Aging has many unexpected effects on our lives and routines. Interestingly, taking a medication like Tylenol when you're over 50 may have dangerous effects.
Is there really an ideal time of day to eat carbohydrates? As it turns out, this is particularly the case when you've already reached or passed the age of 50.
Dietary needs and restrictions change with age. Men in particular may want to eliminate this type of cheese from their diet after reaching the age of 50.
If you love eating sourdough, we've got good news for you - The wild-fermented bread can have a positive affect on your health as you age. Here's what to know.
Our bodies change our whole lives, but after turning 50, there are two habits we should change to prevent weight gain and avoid the problems that can cause.
Exercise does a body good, especially when the body belongs to someone in their 50s. In fact, removing exercise from one's routine can have negative impacts.
After we reach a certain age, some of the things that used to come easy to us in our youth become a bit harder to achieve. Sadly, this includes building muscle.
For people aged 50 and above, is it still safe to take Ozempic? Speaking exclusively with Health Digest, an expert shared the risks, as well as some advice.
The first signs of cognitive decline in an older relative could hint at a condition called dementia. One form, Alzheimer's dementia, manifests in 7 stages.
As you hit a certain age, your risk of certain health conditions is affected. And when you reach age 50, something happens to your high cholesterol risk.
If you're hitting the 50 mark, getting proper nutrition should be top of your priority list. Keep your life long and active with this healthy beverage.
As we grow older, there are certain types of food that we should be avoiding. While processed food is typically on the list, there's an especially risky kind.
As people age, the risk of serious diseases (e.g., cancer) increases. But there's a kind of injury that can be even more life-threatening for the elderly.