The Best Way To Get Rid Of Yellow Eyes
When we're overly tired or in the throes of allergy season, it's not uncommon for our eyes to turn a little red. When it comes to yellow eyes, however, many people immediately associate this kind of discoloration with liver disease. While this can be the case, the source of yellow eyes can be related to many other things as well, including lifestyle factors (via Medical News Today).
The yellowing of one's eyes, caused by a condition known as jaundice, is due to a buildup of bilirubin in the body (via WebMD). Bilirubin is a naturally occurring substance used by the body to break down red blood cells, which are converted into bile after being processed by the liver. If the presence of bilirubin in the blood builds up faster than the liver is able to filter it out, the whites of your eyes may appear yellow.
Certain additional health conditions such as hepatitis, sickle cell anemia, and gallstones can also cause yellowing of the eyes, according to WebMD. In the case of underlying medical conditions, treatment for yellow eyes is best determined by a medical professional, as different causes will require different courses of treatment. Because yellow eyes can also emerge as a result of certain lifestyle factors, some home remedies may also be beneficial to manage symptoms, in addition to medical treatment.
Dietary changes can help manage yellow eyes
According to Medical News Today, the development of yellow eyes is not always specific to jaundice. In fact, our diet can also influence eye discoloration. For example, individuals who consume high amounts of beta-carotene can be susceptible to yellowing of the eyes. Beta-carotene is a provitamin and a carotenoid, and carotenoids are responsible for the orange coloring of foods, such as carrots and sweet potatoes (via University of Rochester Medical Center).
For those whose yellow eyes are related to an underlying health condition, the right diet can still help in managing the discoloration. According to Medical News Today, it's important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, maintain a fiber-rich diet with foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, as well as plenty of protein. Other lifestyle factors, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, should be avoided.
In addition, the use of certain medications may also cause yellow eyes as a side effect. According to WebMD, certain birth control pills, penicillin, steroids, and high amounts of acetaminophen have been associated with the development of jaundice. While there can be lifestyle factors involved, it's important to seek prompt medical attention if you notice a yellow discoloration of the eyes, as this is often an indication of an underlying health condition affecting a vital organ.