This Is How Often You Should Change Your Contact Solution
Contact lenses are commonly used tools to safely improve one's vision health. With millions of people across the United States wearing contact lenses regularly, caring for them properly is important, as improper care can lead to eye infections and other complications (via Centers for Disease Control and Prevention).
Contact lenses need to be cleaned every time you take them out before placing them back in your eyes (via American Academy of Ophthalmology). Before removing your contact lenses, make sure to thoroughly wash and dry your hands. It's important to rinse the lenses with a cleaning solution to remove any debris before fully submerging them for a soak. If you are storing contact lenses in a case, be sure to regularly replace the case every few months and to always keep it open when drying. Do not wear contact lenses that have been stored for over 30 days without properly disinfecting them before use. As a general rule, when it comes to the solution itself, you should also change that every 30 days. However, an eye doctor may recommend changing solution as frequently as every week depending on your specific health needs (via All About Vision).
Tips to keep eyes healthy when wearing contact lenses
Always use the cleanest of solution to care for your contact lenses, meaning, toss out your old solution rather than dumping it in with new solution (via CDC). Remember, your contact lens case is just as important as the lenses themselves, so run that contact solution over the case too after every use. Let the case air dry upside down with the caps off, and be sure to never use water as a substitute for contact solution as this puts you at greater risk for infection.
It's important not to swim, shower, or enter a hot tub while wearing contacts. Infection can also occur from wearing contact lenses while sleeping, so be sure to remove them before bed. If you experience pain, redness, or blurred vision from lens wear, stop use and consult with your eye doctor for further instructions or alternatives. And of course, make sure to keep up with your regular eye exams to keep eyes healthy and happy.