Are Protein Pancakes Actually Good For You?
For those of you who dutifully select a healthier brunch option in lieu of the dreamy stack of pancakes you yearn for — is the protein pancake the answer to your dietary dilemmas?
First, what's so wrong with the standard pancake anyway? Well, according to Healthline, while traditional pancakes do have some protein, they also contain high amounts of refined flour, which many experts believe can lead to insulin resistance and obesity.
So, on the health front, how does the protein pancake, er, stack up?
On average, the standard pancake only has 2.4 grams of protein while your average protein pancake will have 10 grams. This additional protein can come from a variety of sources, including dried eggs, flax seed or oats (via Chowhound). So, that's one in the "win" column for the protein pancake. However, this added protein boost doesn't mitigate the high amount of carbohydrates and sugar that make up part of the traditional pancake recipe. And, on top of that, you'll likely be tempted to add some syrupy goodness on top because, come on, what's the point of eating a pancake without that added sweetness?
How to make healthy protein pancakes
While protein pancakes could indeed end up containing the very carbs and sugars you're trying to avoid, it's easy to work around this with a few healthy substitute ingredients that will give you delicious results.
Try a protein pancake recipe that uses egg whites, bananas and a whey protein booster. Top this off with yogurt and fruit instead of sugary syrup, and you'll have a low carb, low calorie stack of high-protein, fluffy goodness (via The Creative Bite). Another option is to use oats in place of the standard refined flour, and then select chocolate protein powder instead of plain protein powder as a way to satisfy your sweet tooth (via Eat This Not That). Another delicious, high-protein, low carb option is to use peanut butter, egg whites, and almonds. Compared to the ingredients in your standard pancake, this combo could cut the amount of carbs by 67 percent. A pancake with these kinds of healthy ingredients will also help you feel fuller longer (via Dr. Oz).
So, yes, protein pancakes can actually be good for you. Just make a few creative adjustments and you'll have a tasty, healthy protein pancake that you'll totally flip for!