Vitamins You Should Be Taking If You're Vegetarian
Balancing nutrient intake can be challenging, and even more so for vegetarians. Meatless diets do have advantages, but they can also create a potential risk of nutrient deficiency. As it turns out, macronutrients are the building blocks of great health, and this is where vitamins and supplements come in.
Lifestyle disciplines like vegetarianism overflow with health benefits. Vegetarian Times credits increased energy, better quality of life, and overall longevity to a meatless diet. Personal motives may be diverse, yet a common goal is to maintain health and wellness. Boston Hospital's Center for Young Women's Health writes that simply abstaining from meat does not make a diet superior. Vitamins and supplements together with a variety of fresh foods serve as proper replacement for animal proteins.
According to Centrum, vitamins are fundamental to living your best life, and whole foods and supplements are the vehicles that deliver them to you. For people wanting to go vegetarian or to add to a current regimen, vitamins nourish the body with victuals that might not be found in plant foods (via Healthline).
Vegetarians need these main vitamins
Leading advisors at Healthline agree the main focus for vegetarians is B12, which can be found in seaweed. This B vitamin keeps your body's cells in top shape, and it also helps your body construct DNA, according to the National Institutes of Health. Major symptoms of B12 deficiency are weakness, weight loss, and possible impaired brain function. Another vitamin to promote strong blood flow is iron. WebMD says if you've ever craved ice or dirt, you may want to add tofu, yeast, or an iron supplement to your diet.
Another nutrient commonly found in tofu is calcium. Calcium and vitamin D are ideal for teeth and bone health. The Mayo Clinic notes that these can be found in dark greens. If you're not fond of spinach, you can consider a supplement for adequate intake of both vitamin D and calcium (via Young Women's Health).
DHA in omega 3s and zinc are essential as well. Found abundantly in fish, omega 3 fatty acids boost brain development in children and have been known to treat depression, BID, and lower heart disease risks (via Medical News Today).
Nutritional needs may vary, but harmony in diet and exercise are vital for overall mental and physical health. Vitamin supplements can be taken to replace nutrients normally found in meat. Pregnant people and anyone with preexisting concerns should speak with a trusted professional before transitioning to a new diet. Enjoy the journey of discovering what your body needs.