This Is What Vitamin E Really Does For Your Body
Some vitamins get a lot of hype. Lately, it's been vitamins D and C trending, which have been shown to boost immunity. But there are other vitamins you may not be aware of that can offer incredible health benefits. Vitamin E, which may come up when discussing skin care, seems to get overlooked when it comes to the array of benefits it can provide.
Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant that offers more than just skin protection and potential scar reduction. Antioxidants can slow the aging process by stopping free radicals from damaging cells, and with free radicals being inevitable, it's important to obtain a good amount of antioxidants daily (via Harvard Health Publishing).
Getting an adequate amount of vitamin E, like vitamins C and D, can help strengthen the immune system, according to registered dietitian Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD (via Insider). Vitamin E has been shown to increase T cells, the white blood cells that help support the immune system. Somer reports that "T cells decrease with age, so maintaining optimal intake of this vitamin is important in maintaining a well-functioning immune system."
Vitamin E may improve your health in multiple areas
A good reason for women to ensure meeting the daily recommendations for Vitamin E comes from a 2016 study published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. The research suggests that vitamin E may reduce premenstrual symptoms (PMS) such as anxiety and depression. Furthermore, two additional studies found that the vitamin may reduce cramps and cravings during PMS (per Insider).
You may not think about your blood vessels often, but keeping them healthy is crucial as they are responsible for carrying nutrients, oxygen, and waste through the body (via Health Direct). Studies show that vitamin E may reduce blood clots, protect the lining of the blood vessels, and improve the overall health of the blood vessels.
A 2014 study also suggests that vitamin E may play a role in minimizing the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and possibly reduce cognitive decline. Debbie Petitpain, MS, RDN, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, says that vitamin E may prevent cellular damage to the brain, which uses a lot of oxygen, making it vulnerable to oxidative stress.
Research shows that most people get enough vitamin E from their diets. However, if you feel supplementing with an additional amount might be beneficial, your doctor can help you decide if that can help optimize your health.