It's Time To Throw Out Your Nonstick Pan If This Happens
For many years, cooks had to load their cookware with a ton of butter or oil to prevent food from sticking. Enter nonstick cookware in the 1950s, when Teflon-coated aluminum pans simplified cooking and cleaning. However, it was later found that the Teflon coating contained perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which is linked to conditions like kidney disease, testicular cancer, and infertility.
Although you won't find PFOA in today's Teflon coating, that doesn't mean your nonstick pans are necessarily safe. Many of your nonstick pans are made with per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS), which are also known as "forever chemicals" because they break down over time. If your nonstick pan is chipped, it's time to replace it so these PFAS don't get into your food.
High exposure to these chemicals can weaken your body's immune response to infection or vaccinations. These chemicals have also been linked to high cholesterol, slower growth in infants, and kidney cancer. Unfortunately, you won't be able to eliminate your exposure to PFAS just by throwing out all your nonstick pans. PFAS can be found in a wide variety of products you use every day.
Products that have 'forever chemicals'
Forever chemicals are problematic not only for their resilience but also for how quickly they move through environmental and food systems. Just a small amount of exposure can be toxic. You'll find plenty of PFAS in your kitchen, including those grease-resistant pizza boxes, microwave popcorn, and other types of food packaging. PFAS may be in your food if it comes from or is made in places where the soil, air, or water contains PFAS.
Your drinking water may also have PFAS, even if you have a private well. You're more likely to have more contaminated water if you live in a city or close to a manufacturing plant. Your favorite shirt, pants, or jacket may also have PFAS, especially if they're waterproof or stain-resistant. What's worse is that clothing manufacturers don't have to tell you that it has PFAS. Some clothing companies are phasing out PFAS in their clothing.
The Environmental Protection Agency reviews new chemicals for their potential for toxicity before they enter the market, and it may regulate the use of certain PFAS in plastic containers. Products with long-chain PFAS are banned from being imported into the United States. Major manufacturers are phasing out PFOAs, and the EPA banned the use of certain PFAS in carpets.
How you can limit your PFAS exposure
Because PFAS stay in your body forever, you can't do much about your PFAS exposure in the past. You can change a few things to limit your exposure. If your current nonstick pan is chipped or scratched, you can opt for ceramic-coated, cast iron, carbon steel, or stainless steel pans to avoid PFAS. Some of these pans are either nonstick or become nonstick through a seasoning process. The NRDC says to avoid heating food in the microwave if it's wrapped in grease-resistant packaging, including microwave popcorn. However, the Food and Drug Administration said that most food manufacturers have begun eliminating the grease-proofing agents used in food packaging.
Stain-resistant rugs and furniture are great if you have pets or children, but most of these have PFAS unless they are labeled PFAS-free. When buying clothes, do a little research on the brand or the store. Shoe companies like Keen and Deckers (who make UGG and Teva brands) scored an A- from the NRDC for working to remove PFAS, and Levi Strauss and Victoria's Secret also got the same grade for their clothing. Meanwhile, Kohl's, Nordstrom, Macy's, and Walmart got F's from the NRDC. The Green Science Project has a list of other products and their PFAS policies.