A Citrus Fruit That Can Help With Weight Loss Can Also Lower High Blood Pressure
Obesity remains a significant problem, especially among adults in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 41.9% of all individuals age 18+ have a higher than normal body mass index (BMI). This puts them — and you, if you're in the same category — at risk of diseases related to being overweight, including cardiovascular disease. (Read about the difference between BMI and body fat percentage.)
Fortunately, you have the ability to change your BMI and regulate your blood pressure by adding a popular citrus fruit to your diet. That's good for your health, because reducing your systolic blood pressure by just 5 millimeters of mercury (mm/Hg) could lower your risk of cardiovascular problems by 10%, according to a 2021 article in the Cardiovascular Journal of Africa.
What's the fruit that can do so much for your waist, as well as bring you closer to what's typically thought of as a normal blood pressure level? It's grapefruit, the refreshing food that Dr. Chris Mohr, fitness and nutrition advisor at Garage Gym Reviews, recommends eating if you're aiming to lose weight through a more balanced diet.
Fiber-filled to help you on your weight loss journey
Dr. Mohr explains that grapefruit is "low in calories, high in water content, and contains fiber, all of which can contribute to satiety and better appetite control." Though he's quick to add that grapefruit isn't a "miracle food," he considers it helpful when paired with a nutrient-rich, calorie-controlled diet, along with exercise, sleep, and a balanced lifestyle.
Indeed, the nutritional data for grapefruit is impressive, particularly if you want to increase your consumption of healthy snacks that help you lose weight. One half of an average-sized grapefruit contains 51.7 calories and 1.97 grams of fiber, not to mention plenty of potassium (166 milligrams) and vitamin C (38.4 milligrams). Potassium and vitamin C contribute to grapefruit's ability to lower blood pressure, says Dr. Mohr. "Potassium helps counterbalance sodium's effects in the body, promoting healthier blood pressure levels."
In the case of potassium, aiming for more each day may be better, in moderation. Upping your daily potassium intake to 3,500 milligrams (for women) or 5,000 milligrams (for men) could be an advisable decision if you struggle to keep your blood pressure at heart-friendly levels. That way, the potassium can sweep excess sodium out of your body, which can decrease the pressure on the walls of your blood vessels.
Rich in vitamins to reduce general inflammation
Vitamin C, along with other antioxidants found in grapefruit, may improve your blood vessel function by reducing inflammation, according to Dr. Mohr. A 2020 review in Medicine explored the relationship between vitamin C-packed foods and blood pressure. The authors found that individuals with hypertension who took vitamin C supplements saw a statistically significant drop in their blood pressure over time.
However, Dr. Mohr cautions against adding more grapefruit to your diet without professional guidance, for one important reason. "Grapefruit and grapefruit juice can interact with certain blood pressure medications, so it's important to consult a healthcare provider before adding it to your diet regularly."
In addition to interfering with drugs that treat blood pressure, grapefruit may also affect the efficacy of certain kinds of medicine designed to treat high cholesterol, irregular heartbeats, hormonal imbalance, erectile dysfunction, and allergies. (Read about why you shouldn't drink grapefruit juice if you're taking these medications.)