The Easy Yoga Pose That Can Help You Poop Almost Instantly

Stress, travel, and not-so-great eating habits can sometimes slow things down in your digestive system. The bloating can make your pants feel like a tourniquet, and the discomfort can turn even the smallest movements into a challenge. Sure, you could try a stool softener, but some don't work as quickly as you'd like. Stimulating laxatives may help you poop quickly but also might have you sprinting to the bathroom before disaster strikes.

Exercise is a great way to prevent constipation, but let's be honest. When you're already feeling backed up, the thought of moving around isn't exactly appealing. That's where gentle yoga can help. Simple movements, like a reclined twist, can stimulate your digestive system and encourage things to get moving again. The best part? You don't need to be flexible to do it. Just find a bit of floor space, throw on something comfy, and let your body do the rest. A little movement might be all it takes to get things flowing smoothly again, so let's get started.

How to do a reclined twist

Begin lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor a little wider than your hips. Notice the tension in your gut, and place your fingers where you feel the most tension (here's an acupressure point you can also try to relieve constipation). Spend a minute or so breathing deep so your diaphragm pushes out your belly. This will help relax you.

Now open your arms out to your sides so your body makes a T shape. Inhale, then on the exhale, try to flatten your lower back to the floor, like you're trying to press a button with your lumbar spine. A few rounds of this will gently loosen your spine, similar to the cat/cow movements in a yoga class.

Take another inhale, then allow your knees to fall to the left while you exhale. Try to keep your right shoulder down as you twist so you're not sending your entire body to the left. If your knees don't quite reach the floor, place a pillow or a yoga block (if you have it) under your left thigh for support. Keep breathing deeply, feeling a little tugging on those tight places in your abdomen. After a few moments, draw your knees back to center and repeat on the other side.

Other yoga poses to relieve constipation

A reclined twist may not perfectly do the trick to get you to poop right away. A few other yoga poses may relieve some of the abdominal pain associated with constipation and gas. People who've done hot yoga or Bikram yoga may be familiar with wind-relieving pose. Yes, yoga has a pose that will help you break wind.

If you're already on your back, extend your left leg straight while pulling your right thigh as close to your gut as possible. This massages your ascending colon. When you repeat this with your right leg straight and left leg pressed against your gut, you're working on your descending colon.

Malasana, which is a deep squat, may not be accessible (let alone easy) for those with tight hips and constipation. Yet this deep squat is the best position for pooping (which is why your Squatty Potty works so well). Try a reclined malasana on your back by bending your knees with your feet off the floor. Open your knees apart while drawing them higher than your hips. To give yourself some resistance, press your elbows or forearms against your inner thighs. This pose also feels really good against the wall, helping you relax and inviting that shy bowel movement.